Dev Diary: the Flowers in Eve
This post is actually about two different topics: For those of you who have asked, the exposition to Eve of Rebirth is settled. For those of you who read The Flowers in Boreal Twilight – part of it is back.
Journal Entry: Daybreak, A Two Year Retrospective
In hindsight, I should have posted something like this earlier. But I doubt I could have compiled such a comprehensive list if I did. It took a long time to organize all of this in my head.
Chapter 7 – Doubts
A Quick Update
I keep telling myself that I’d post an update, and then I keep getting busy and putting it off. So this time I’ll just make it quick.
Chapter 6 – Alliances
Dev Diary: writing xenophobia is an experience
I may be political-minded, but I’m not the type to ever enter politics. So writing a politician is as close as I’m likely to get. And gosh, it was an experience.