So a short update on the Daybreak project — I’m planning to start posting chapters by 11/15. The initial release will be all of volume 1 plus the first 5 chapters of volume 2 — up to when the story begins to seriously diverge from the original. I was originally hoping to start at the beginning of this month but I’m still waiting for some last bits of feedback. More details on progress and such once I make the release so until then~
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This is some great news, I love the stories you made and I’m happy to see it coming soon in a more rounded form. First time I comment on this site but this is how exited I am.
thank you. Daybreak on Hyperion is one of my favorite online novels to read.
Fantastic! <:
Been putting off rereading the original again ever since the 'restart' was announced!
I am so excited to see the changes.
That’s good to hear :). Keep up the good work!
I’ll be eagerly awaiting then.