A brief personal update…
The Covid-19 pandemic has made me realize that being an introvert and being homebound are two entirely different things. While my need for social activity is extremely low compared to most people and that too much conversation drains me, being stuck at home for so long… has not been great.
It’s been making my moody and often depressed. One day I may have a obsessive-compulsive need to read everything I can about what’s going on around the world in regards to the pandemic, ringing my hair out because the politicization of the illness piss me off (do you jobs and quit blaming each other!). Another day I may lay in bed with absolutely no interest in anything, except to maybe clean the house so I feel at least a little productive.
Meanwhile, since I work in digital education, my job has become more stressful and busy of late. Not a good combination.
Even keeping up with my outdoors exercise hasn’t been enough. It really makes me realize just how important spending time outdoors and meeting the people in my life really is…
This is part of the reason why my updates have slowed down after February. The other reason is because several of the beta-readers have been going through the same thing so waiting on their feedback has become… long.
That being said, I’m trying to at least keep some pace and not just drop off the radar for several months like I did the previous years. Hopefully, things will improve soon, one way or another.
Best wishes to everyone in these trying times~
– Aorii
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Hey in not gonna say i know exactly hoe you geel but being introvert myself and having lost my job as well i do feel i understand. I barely geel motivated tot leave my bed, once I dont deel like doing anything and in the evening i Stay up way to late playing games, watching anime or reading light novels and webnovels.
I hope it helps you when i say your work on here is one of the few lights i see in my life during the pandemic and i apreciate it a lot. Keep it up and know your not alone in this even if It feels like it, i and Manu others look forward to your effort, but don’t let this Push you into overdoing it š